Job o' the Vague Time Period: USGBC Central Texas-Balcones Excutive Director

U.S. Green Building Council Central Texas-Balcones Chapter is hiring its first Executive Director.

USGBC CT-B is a nonprofit organization that focuses on the transformation toward sustainable building and land development practices in Central Texas through innovation, advocacy and partnerships. The Chapter seeks a strong communicator and relationship builder to serve as our first Executive Director and take our organization to new levels of sustainability and excellence. Proven fundraising skills, systems focus, and collaborative leadership approach a must.

Send letter of interest describing relevant experiences, resume, three references, and three-year salary history to by December 17, 2008. Interviews begin the week of January 4, 2009. We reserve the right to accept applications until the position is filled. Visit for a detailed job description and additional information.


Anonymous said...

We phrased the timing of application so that if a super-star applicant shows up on January 1st (back from holiday break), we could still accept their application and hire them without being sued.
Thanks for helping us get the word out. :-)

Anonymous said...

They really will thrive with this new addition. At GreenEfficient, we are really excited about the growth of this chapter along with the Houston and Dallas chapters of the USGBC.