A Can't Miss LEED GA Exam Prep Webinar with LEEDuser

UPDATE: 05.23.10- For those that missed it the first time around, this webinar is now available for free online at the LEEDuser website... Check it out!

So the fine folks over at LEEDuser* somehow convinced me to turn my post on LEED Green Associate (LEED GA) exam advice into a FREE, full-blown webinar on the same subject next Tuesday, April 27th at 3:00pm EST. I've been working on the slides yesterday and this morning and instead of going into what I'll be talking about (hint: it's about how to prepare for the LEED GA exam!) I thought you might be more intrigued by some of the images I'm considering including:

From my personal files Learning at its finest... Let's get this show started Tests are hard Life Lessons

Clearly you have to find out how in the hell all these pictures relate to the exam (hint: some don't!), so sign up today! Believe it or not I've also included some very helpful information and advice and shoved it in between all the cheesy jokes and LOLcat references.

*LEEDuser is a sponsor of RealLifeLEED.


Masha said...

Hi Joel. I have been following your blog for quite some time and I really enjoy your objective analysis and approach towards the application of LEED. I also really enjoyed the webinar you did today on Studying for the LEED GA Exam. As I am currently developing an internal LEED GA exam prep course for my company I started looking for some sample exam tests. Do you have good experience with some online tests? We are planning on buying accounts for www.greenexamprep.com, but I want to evaluate other opportunities as well. I would really appreciate to hear your opinion on this :)

Amanda said...

I missed the webinar! Are you planning on doing another one?

Joel McKellar said...

Masha - Everything I've seen is up on the site, so unfortunately I don't have a good answer for you regarding practice tests. I did view the PPI hardcopy practice tests and they seemed pretty close to the questions I saw in the official USGBC study guide. There's a standing offer to any publishers willing to share their materials with me can be added to the review.

Amanda - I won't be doing another webinar, but LEEDuser will be hosting a recording of the webinar on their site soon, free to everyone to access. I'll be sure to update this post when that goes live.

Anonymous said...

THIS WAS A GREAT WEBINAR!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you

Joel McKellar said...

UPDATE: 05.23.10- For those that missed it the first time around, this webinar is now available for free online at the LEEDuser website... Check it out!