Meet RealLifeLEED at the 2010 Sustain SC Conference!

I don't talk about it very often, but I've served on a local USGBC branch in South Carolina for a few years now, and after my term ended at the beginning of the year for some reason I was dumb enough to volunteer to help plan our second annual conference, Sustain SC, to be held on May 12-14, 2010 at the Charleston Area Convention Center in North Charleston, South Carolina. It's been a TON of work, but I'm very proud of what we've been able to put together!

SustainSC 2010

In addition to helping plan the conference, I've volunteered my time to lead a 1/2 day LEED GA Training Session based on the guidance I provided here, and I'll also be providing an educational session on "Online Tools for LEED Project Managers" with the CEO of*, Adam Bernholz, that will feature many of the tools that can be found on this site.

Many more details can be found on the conference website, or you can avoid all that and go straight to the registration!

LEED CMP Credits Galore!

For those of you in the LEED GA or LEED AP with specialty system, there is a new streamlined LEED Continuing Maintenance Program (CMP) submittal process where we could submit most of the educational sessions for USGBC Education Review Body (ERB) approval, and 16 of our 22 sessions and both tours have been submitted for review. What all this means is that it's likely (we haven't yet received final approval) you will be able to knock out up to 7 CMP credit hours, about half are LEED specific, in only two days! To my knowledge there are very few inexpensive ERB approved course available at this time... Not sure what the hell I'm talking about? I opted into the new AP system about two months ago, and will be posting all about it soon (assuming the credits I submitted for review are ever approved), but for now I would suggest this great webinar by Mara Baum hosted by LEEDuser* explaining the basics of the CMP system.

*GreenWizard and LEEDuser are sponsors of this site.

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