Vanishing LEED 2009 Minimum Program Requirement?

UPDATE - 06.12.09 - This issue has largely been resolved... details at end of post.

When I spent all day going through the new LEED 2009 Building Design & Construction reference guide and reporting about the changes, one thing that I noticed was a portion of the Minimum Program Requirements (MPR) referencing that "Registration and Certification Activity Must Comply with Reasonable Timetables and Rating System Sunset Dates". Here's what I said on this subject:

"[This requirement] basically states that if a LEED 2009 project is inactive for 4 years, the GBCI reserves the right to cancel the registration, that all paperwork must be finished within 6 years of the retirement of the system (i.e. 2017 for the LEED 2009 system), and that certification must be complete within 2 years of project occupancy."

Just a day or so ago I had one of my coworkers ask about these requirements in regards to a new project that's got a long time frame, saying he couldn't find that clause anywhere. The MPRs aren't in the reference guides, as they're listed in the free PDF rating systems (see LEED-NC 2009 here). I went back to check (see pages XVI - XVII) and sure enough no such clause is listed???

I know I didn't just invent these requirements out of thin air, but I'm a little troubled at the thought that these requirements and the rating systems themselves are getting tweaked without any notice. No release dates are listed on these documents (that I can find at least), and I'm now curious about how many versions have been updated over time. Unfortunately I didn't save a copy of the rating system on that day, so the only 'proof' I have is the earlier post linked to above. There is also reference to a "LEED 2009 MPR Supplemental Guidance" that I have yet to be able to find which may clear this up.

Has anyone else noticed this or have a copy of the older edition of the rating system? Please let me know I'm not crazy by leaving a comment.

UPDATE - 06.12.09

Thanks to many readers who quite quickly left comments and forwarded documents, this seems to have already been cleared up! There are in fact different editions of the rating system documents. Thanks to Chris Collins of McKenney's Mechanical Contractors and Engineers, you can view the older version of the LEED-EB 2009 rating system here, showing 8 minimum program requirements including the one about sunset dates. The current version with only 7 requirements can be downloaded from the USGBC here.

Furthermore, the requirement still exists according to various readers in the comments section. From what I can tell, the USGBC decided to remove this language from the MPR in favor of having you sign off on the dates as part of registering a project. The language is buried in the legal mumbo-jumbo section (that's an official legal term). See comments for details.


Unknown said...

Joel, I wouldn't bank on the reference guide too much yet. Though I wouldn't put it past the USGBC to change something like that without notice, the errata for the 2009 reference guide is going to be huge. While some of the new features of the BD+C reference guide are helpful (having NC, CS, & Shools together) I'm embarassed at the lack of quality editing in the guide for the price we paid.

Anonymous said...

Vanished – not quite. VERY well hidden, yes. I couldn't find anything in the 2009 Reference Guide (within both newer and older published dates) the timetables. I have a 2009 registered project so I looked to see if the language was listed anywhere once logged in to LEED Online.

The MPRs are there, included in a set of forms posted before the SS category. You have to check off boxes agreeing to comply with minimum size requirements, minimum FTE requirements, etc. (as listed in the link you posted) however they say nothing about the Reasonable Timetables and Rating System Sunset Dates. I finally found this clause within Section 6 of ‘LEED Terms and Conditions,’ which you can find by clicking on the ‘Legal’ tab in LEED Online V3. Eureka! Let me know if you would like me to post the wording they use, but your comments summarized these requirements in a nutshell.

Mitch said...

I noticed the limits too. When you register a project for v3 the program requirments are one of the conditions you're required to agree too as part of the sign up process.

joelmckellar said...

Thanks guys... see updated post bringing together your comments and some emailed evidence!


Anonymous said...


You seem to have a finger on a pulse here- USGBC seems to be somewhat at sea regarding the 'Legacy LEED AP', upgrading to + category etc. The website(s) are confusing and unhelpful (with stuff being taken down). This seems to be a similar situation to the wobbly rolling out of LEED v3 (now called '2009').

What is the true position?

Grand Cayman

nathan said...

The sunset/inactivity language is also on the GBCI website. Go to the Policy Manual web page and scroll down to Registration Cancellation Policy.