I'm assuming most of you received the email announcement on Tuesday from the GBCI announcing that the new credentialling maintenance program that everyone is so excited about is launching next Monday, August 3rd. Basically this means that v3 LEED APs (and Green Associates) are on the clock for their 30 (or 15) hours of continuing education starting then. For LEED APs accredited under the v2 systems, you have three options:
- "Become a LEED AP with specialty by passing one of the new specialty examinations; only the specialty part of the exam will be required if testing during your enrollment window. When applying for the exam you will need to sign the disciplinary policy and agree to Credentialing Maintenance Program (CMP). Once you have passed the exam, you mayl use one of the new specialty designations (O&M, BD&C, ID&C) after your name.
- Become a LEED AP with specialty by enrolling in the new tiered system—i.e. agreeing to the CMP and signing the disciplinary policy—and completing prescriptive CMP for the initial 2-year reporting period. Once you have enrolled, you will use one of the new specialty designations (O&M, BD&C, ID&C) after your name. Enrollment must occur before during your enrollment window.
- Do nothing; you will be designated a LEED AP without specialty in the LEED Professional Directory."
For the 115,000 or so (haven't seen official reports on final v2 accreditation numbers yet... but I saw this number in a recent article) of you accredited under the v2 sessions I ask the following: Do you really need to go through the trouble of upgrading?
Previous descriptions of what would happen to 'legacy LEED APs' not enrolling in the new system stated that they would be listed under some sort of 'inactive' status, though that doesn't really seem to be the case anymore. From what I can tell, the only consequence from not switching to the new system is that you won't be able to list a "specialty" after the LEED AP on your business card.
Nothing I've read in that original email or the GBCI site indicates that anything else changes - you'll still be listed on the directory and presumably will still be able to claim the IDc2 point for being a LEED AP. I haven't been able to confirm that last point about the IDc2 point, but I've seen nothing stating it's not true either.
By holding onto your non-specialized v2 LEED AP status I see the following benefits:
- You don't have to pay the GBCI $50 every two years.
- You don't have to deal with 30 hours of continuing education every two years.
- You can tell clients you're accreditation is old school, and all these noob suckas ain't got no game no how. Yet you can still claim that you passed an exam in the associated NC, CS, or EB anyway, but can't put it on your card as a 'specialty'.

Kickin' it Old School
Maybe I'm crazy, but I'm not going to rush into switching into the new system any time soon. You've got two years to decide anyway, so it seems prudent to see how these things are going to shake out over the next few months before taking on anything more than you have to.
The above is all essentially based on the email I mentioned and FAQ for "LEED APs Without Specialty and Enrollment". It's entirely possible that I may be incorrect about the repercussions of staying a LEED AP under the old system, but I promise to update this post if I find anything to be incorrect. I've seen somewhat conflicting information (see chart) related to costs to remain a Legacy LEED AP out of Building Green, but that's a few months old... Reading this enrollment guide from the GBCI leads me to believe you must pay for enrollment in the maintenance program, not necessarily to keep your existing title.
What do you think about this? Also, any clarification would be appreciated... Please let us know by leaving a comment!
This is something my colleagues and I are trying to figure out ourselves. With no clear benefit to upgrading our AP statuses, we're left scratching our heads and will likely wait to see how things turn out or until GBCI provides more concrete information, just as you are.
GBCI has seemingly done nothing to make the new AP system seem beneficial to the APs themselves. To me, it seems like little more than an attempt to stem criticism that it's too easy to become (and remain) an AP. Don't get me wrong- it's good that they're trying to make the program more stringent, but why should I bother?
My hunch is that their ambiguity is intended to make old LEED APs consider upgrading even though they don't need to. If they came right out and said that current LEED APs will not lose any benefits, then none of us would see any reason to upgrade. So until they lay down the law regarding current LEED APs, I'm staying put.
I'm a little concerned about the changing lingo. Used to be Legacy LEED AP's would become inactive if they did nothing. Now it's just that they'll be LEED AP's without specialty. I hope it's not just spraying perfume on manure.
I'm more than a little concerned about the lack of details. Anyone know yet what options are available to earn the 30 credit hours? How accessible will the credit hours be? There's no way I'm switching without seeing what's actually required.
Now this last bit is pure speculation and not based on any real information. I think at some point in the future USGBC will require the LEED AP earning the IDc2 point to have the specialty associated with the version of LEED the project is submitting under. Maybe we'll hear something at GreenBuild this fall. Or after LEED 2011 comes out. Or never. I just want some clear information form the Duo (USGBC and GBCI).
I've been planning on upgrading to a "specialty" but now I'm not sure. I've been thinking that having a specialty would show clients that I'm current on green design and maybe give me an edge over other LEED AP's.
the harsh fact is that I was unemplyed for a while. Now I'm not. I want to do everything in my power to keep it that way while at the same time trying to boost my resume if I have to hit the streets again.
You forgot to mention LEED AP Homes. If you are focused on residential green building, the LEED AP Homes designation makes sense to upgrade to. Also, the ID credit in the homes rating system is only available to individuals with the LEED AP Homes specialization.
In response to some of Bill's questions, the draft of the Credentialing Maintenance Guide are on the GBCI website. But don't be to excited; reading through this actually made me less inclined to transfer to the new system. They turned what seemed, to me at least, an easily understood concept of a CE system into a convoluted mess of rules and criteria.
Look, as most of you can relate, there are A LOT of LEED AP's practicing who have no clue when it gets down to business of working through a LEED project. Thats why the system was put in place. But my overall feeling is that the USGBC/GBCI needs to smooth out all of their other business before they undertake this credentialing system. For me its too much, too fast and they're going to get incredibly bogged down and dilute their brand.
To me, they seem to dilute their brand every time a new pronouncement and system comes out. What Andrew said could be applied to most things USGBC/GBCI - "They turned what seemed, to me at least, an easily understood concept of a CE system into a convoluted mess of rules and criteria."
Andrew, you're right on the money. I've always felt that USGBC/GBCI have just been figuring things out as they go along with LEED v3. They are constantly putting information/resources out to the public well before they are prepared to do so...The LEED EB:O&M Rating System MONTHS before the Ref. Guide was published, for example. How about "discontinuing" CIRs without explaining procedures in place to handle project team (and review team) confusion over LEED's gray areas? Now this.
I have no problem with the contining ed credit requirement I am just worried that USGBC has a tendancy to charge really high fees to everyone for everything, that the CI hours which must be "rating system specific" will only be avilable as paid classes, and with workshops being hundreds of dollars, I am a lot more worried about that then the $50 every 2 years.
We do a lot of consulting here and with 7 LEED APs on the staff of a small (11 person) design firm if we are required to take classes every couple years at hundreds of dollars a shot it will add up really fast! For a while we were talking that we should have a couple people on staff with each speciality, and while we are still on the fence on that we have decided to hangout for a while to. For now we can claim more LEED Buildings (4 ours (design & LEED) and 3 consulting only) then anyone else in our state and for an 11 person firm that (and having hit every color) is enough to differentiate ourselves now.
I agree with Andrew. So I am going to wait the full two years to let the USGBC/GBCI figure things out and see if there is any real benefit. Because as of right now, I have experience in both Homes and NC.
My concern is that I deal with multiple types of projects BD&C, ID and Homes. So which specialization should I get, and will it limit my marketability in the other programs?
"that USGBC/GBCI have just been figuring things out as they go along with LEED v3. They are constantly putting information/resources out to the public well before they are prepared to do so"
Just like the Obama administration with its stimulus, health care reform and other initiatives.
I love your blog. I can't wait to read more. I have a blog myself that attempts to inspire people. I would like to exchange links with you. Let me know if this is possible.
Did you notice how now the 2 years to decide also means you need the CMP credits done at the end of the first 2 year cycle. Meaning end of 2011 we have to have all 30 credit hours if we want to opt in and have the "with specialty" status.
The way I understood it, we have two years to sign up, and then two more years (minus 1 day) to complete and report our 30 credit hours via the GBCI. So we wouldn't need to complete our first 30 credit hours until 2013.
That was what I originally thought too. But that's not what it says now. If you want a specialty you need to either pass the new specialty exam or
Become a LEED AP with specialty by enrolling in the new tiered system—i.e. agreeing to the CMP and signing the disciplinary policy—and completing prescriptive CMP for the initial 2-year reporting period. Once you have enrolled, you will use one of the new specialty designations (O&M, BD&C, ID&C) after your name. Enrollment must occur before during your enrollment window.
But hey, they'll still wave the $50 fee for the first 2-year period.
Or we're all going to be "without specialty". Whatever the heck that's ever going to mean for us.
Nevermind. I'm still confused and seemed to have mixed this up further.
The only negative I can see is that on the GBCI site, the LEED AP search is filtered by speciality, and I think legacy leeds will be filtered out by someone trying to find a leed ap.
I am not dependent upon cold calls, so I think your post has convinced me to take a wait and see attitude. I think being a "legacy" might actually have more cache' than v.3.
After eading this post I thought I would go straight to the source. I contacted the GBCI on Thursday and they promply replied.
Here is what I wrote: "I am an existing LEED AP and there is a lot of talk about to have a specialty or not. Can you explain the beneifts to upgrading for me? I, along with many others, see the upgrade a more money and work with no direct benefit. Limiting myself to one track, esp. as I can just pick a random one, pigeon-holes me into one track. As I stand now, cleints would feel comfortable approaching me for any possible project. Plus it shows I've had it longer than others. Not to be difficult, but I am looking for the why. I will still be listed, I can still use the designation, I still get the 1 ID point. Are there future plans we should be aware of as a community?"
And here is their reply: "For current LEED APs that decide to add a specialty to their designation this will allow the LEED AP with specialty a chance to demonstrate proficient knowledge in the corresponding specialty and by credentialing maintenance the candidate will remain current in his or her specialty.
In the event that candidates do not add a specialty to their current LEED AP credential they will still be eligible to receive the ID Credit 2. For current LEED APs who do not add a specialty to their current credential, they will not be required to do 30 continuing education hours."
Sounds like the benifits are greater to not specialized. I am just worried that after the 2011 deadline or in LEED 4.0 that they will make the designation a prereq.
I've found this discussion really interesting. This last week I upgraded my credential to LEED w/ specialty. I did so for the following reasons and thought I'd share.
1) I have a belief that the new credential is more legitimate. (Or you could say I believe the old one is fairly meaningless, take your pick). This is not relative to marketing to clients or LEED ID credit application. Its more on principal. I've known a lot of LEED AP's with little or no real knowledge of the LEED process, let alone sustainable design. The new credential seeks to fix this. It won't be perfect. I don't expect it to be. But its at least a step in the right direction.
2) Sustainable Design is and will be one of the fastest growing sectors of the building industry for the next decade or more. In an ideal world, those involved with LEED and sustainability would keep up with the technologies on their own. But lets face it, for the majority of LEED AP's out there this is just not the case. Although everyone (including myself) will have some issues with exactly how the USGBC sets up the Continuing Ed. req's, its a necessary step for any credential for a cutting edge industry.
3) I actually have some confidence in the USGBC. Not how you might think though. I don't believe that LEED is the end all be all of sustainability. I have plenty of issues with the system. But I've also seen how the market has changed over the last several years as a direct result of the programs that the USGBC has put in place. I heard once that LEED was designed to simply change the marketplace. I believe that the LEED AP credentialing program was designed in a similar manner. Both programs have been highly successful in this regard. Thus, I have a lot of faith that this will happen again with the new credential. Things will change over the next couple years. Maybe not even how we expect them to. You're either on the bandwagon or your not.
Just my thoughts on why I made the switch. Wish me luck with the process.
I have really enjoyed this conversation as well. And frankly, before I read this post, I also thought I had "the whole thing" figured out. I was thinking of changing my mind on which option to select, but after thinking about it over the course of the night, I have decided to stick with my original plan of action -which is sign up for Option 1 (taking the specialty exam). I am taking this course for a few reasons:
1) I took the LEED exam in 2004. Although I could easily stay as a Legacy LEED AP, I feel strongly that studying for and taking an exam adds some clout. I took nine architectural licensing exams and two Construction Specification Institute certification exams. That is noticed on my business cards. Studying ins't fun, I'll admit, but it I also learned alot for every exam I studied for. And even if though I know LEED, I figure I will still learn something new. Also, I don't see why I couldn't have Legacy LEED AP, LEED AP BDC, LEED OM and etc. on my business card. It shows that I have been involved with LEED for a while but that I also stay current.
2) Although I think Option 2 is a feasible option, I don't think it has as much rigor as choosing Option 1 does. Option 1 really shows you are committed.
3) Exactly what Anonymous (08.10 Anonymous post) said in his/her number 3.
Good Topic - Here are a few other considerations:
1. RFP’s/RFQ’s: It is hard to say how savvy building stake holders will be with the distinction between LEED OSAPs (Old School Accredited Professionals) and the LEED AP+’s, but if RFP’s and RFQ’s start coming out asking for LEED AP+’s, then I will not waste much time enrolling in the CMP.
2. Actual Building Experience – This one could be the kicker for some of you. Applications for the LEED AP+ require attestation that you have worked on a project which has already achieved LEED certification. So if you are in marketing or otherwise are not directly involved in the design and construction end of things and you decide not to enroll by 2011, then you’ll have to wait until you can attest to working directly on a Certified project before you can get into the CMP.
3. Let the GBCI get their ducks in a row. While I fully intend to enroll in the CMP program, I intend to wait at least a year to allow the GBCI to get the whole program flushed out. The CMP is new to both the GBCI and the respective professionals involved with LEED. So every one is on the business end of the learning curve. I’ll give them some time to get all of these issues sorted out before I jump in.
I also chose to contacted the GBCI. I now am under the impression that the USGBC and the GBCI are "indepedent" and do not know what they other will require in the future.
Email to GBCI:
"To comply with IDc2 per LEED NCv3, it does not required the LEED AP to be in good standing and enrolled in the GBCI Credentialing Maintenance Program (only requires completion of exam). 1. Does the GBCI anticipate that in the future this will become a requirement for IDc2? 2. Can Green Associates satify the IDc2 credit? Will they be able to in the future? 3. Does the GBCI anticpate in the future that it will be required that the the LEED AP have the same specialty as the project rating system to comply with IDc2?"
GBCI response:
We are not requiring LEED AP’s to enroll into CMP. Green Associates can not satisfy the requirement. The credit is intended for LEED AP’s and we have no plans to make it available to Green Associates. GBCI does not develop the LEED rating system and therefore cannot anticipate any changes that USGBC may implement in future versions of the LEED rating system. However, at this point there is no requirement for IDc2 that the LEED AP has the same specialty as the rating system for their project."
I really wanted to be on board with GBCI and USGBC with their new credentialling program. As an architect who has worked on several LEED projects, it would always irk me to see "LEED AP" after the name of some product rep on his business card who would spout on about how his product was "LEEDS (sic) APPROVED" or some other B.S.
But consider this: in order to maintain my licensure in good standing, the credentials which allow me to practice in a profession where I must uphold the Health, Safety, and Wellfare of the public, the requirements are not as stringent - nor costly. I think USGBC and GBCI may have let the smashing success of V2 go to their heads. And this hodge-podge, Ready-Fire-Aim approach to rolling out the program certainly reflects poorly on their organizations.
I think the scariest part of this is that if you have to study to pass the exam, you must not know the material, and you will forget it after studying and passing the exam. I have been working in this field for 36 years and passed the exam based on what i remembered, not what I had just "studied". Good grief, we have thousands of lawyers who have "learned" about sustainability and are now LEED APs-Could that be a good thing?
To make this even more confusing, the GBCI posted the following on their home page recently:
"Help write the new LEED Reviewer exam
GBCI is currently recruiting volunteer Subject Matter Experts to help write and review items for the new LEED Reviewer exam. Learn more or volunteer now."
I'd like to be optimistic that this is an attempt to address a complete lack of knowledge on the part of the Certification Bodies (reviewing credits against the wrong criteria such as MRc2 reviewed against MRc3, denying IDc2 because the certificate didn't look like the current version, etc.). I can't find anything else about the LEED Reviewer Exam anywhere else on the GBCI website.
I have read all this and I am more confused...I have a question about keeping our current title of LEED AP.....If you don't enroll or take the test won't you lose you LEED AP after 2 years because that is how long it is good for now....And if that occurs then you have to take all the tests over again. Does anyone know about this?
In response to Erin:
No, you will NOT lose your AP status. If you are currently a LEED AP and do nothing, you will retain that until you die. We have been grandfathered in and are not obligated to meet any new requirements.
My understanding is that if you upgrade to AP+, then you are obligated to meet the requirements every two years. I have not looked into what would be required for a LEED AP+ to do should they let their credentials expire. A quick look at GBCI’s page about CMP has confused the hell out of me (see http://www.gbci.org/DisplayPage.aspx?CMSPageID=202), but it appears that it is quite easy for an AP+ to lose their credentials by having them “expire” – in which case an AP+ would be required to take all tests over again. Their credentials would not expire provided they kept up with the classes & the fee (and thus no re-testing would be required).
It makes me less & less inclined to “upgrade” to LEED AP+. I think I’ll stick with what I have.
~ E
As of October 2009, in the GBCI CMP Enrollment Guide for Legacy AP without Specialization : http://www.gbci.org/ShowFile.aspx?DocumentID=3666 on the last page :
All LEED APs without specialty (those credentialed under the LEED AP NC, CI, or EB exam tracks) will continue to hold the credential in perpetuity whether they choose to enroll in CMP or not. Additionally, if at any point, a LEED Professional who was credentialed under the LEED AP NC, CI, or EB exam tracks fails to maintain their LEED AP with specialty (or LEED Green Associate) credential, the may use the LEED AP without specialty title and logo again.
LEED APs without specialty who choose not to enroll will continue to appear as a LEED AP without specialty in the LEED Professional Directory without completing any credentialing maintenance or paying any fees. They may continue to use the title of LEED AP with no specialty designation afterward.
LEED APs without specialty may choose to enroll at any point during their enrollment window. After this period, if LEED APs without specialty want to become LEED APs with specialty, they must apply and take both parts of the LEED AP exam and are responsible for all applicable fees.
I think that now closes the debate.
Just hoping they won't change it in a few years...
I know this post is on the old side, but I am still getting e-mails from GBCI encouraging me to enroll in the CMP. From all of the research that I have done, there are not many GBCI approved continuing education opportunities out there yet and the ones that are cost $$$ (some upwards of $500). I am afraid that the real cost of the CMP will be hundreds of dollars per year to enroll in the classes on top of the $50 maintenance fee. Does anyone know more about what will qualify?
'Constant Improvement' should be an ever present for whatever a persons discipline and one way of assuring same is annual mandatory educational update courses.
By this yardstick a legacy AP stands to lose credibility and fall behind as developer's and architects look to present a plausible portfolio to prospective buyers; marketing a ND project for example with high stakes at risk necessitates the hiring and subsequent promotion of a LEED ND specialist being 'on board'.
100% certain sure if you have good money in any project you would be going out on a limb to hire less than the right person for the job i.e., LEED AP+
Attorneys with LEED AP were given in an earlier blog, 100% certain sure financial institutions will be investigating team members and if the right LEED AP+ designation is missing and your name was in the submitted paperwork, sorry but you are going to be chopped liver, it would be irresponsible for the owner to do otherwise than hire the correct professional ~ albeit on paper.
A waste of money and a waste of time in administrative work, both for the LEED AP and for the project. It's really sad... this approach to green building has been lost in paperwork. It shouldn't be so difficult to build good and responsible architecture. The USGBC has reached a point of high ridicule. This is clear to any outsider.
It is clear that do build anything that needs to perform a certain way you will have to do adequate research. Should we have a building code certificate as well to prove we know how to use the building code?
I think LEED should account for the environmental impact of having thousands of people having to study for exams, take courses, fill out paperwork, fill out computer forms,,to include the electrical energy required (HVAC, lighting, running computers), carbon footprint(travel,)... I would think this is a huge number which subtracts from positive things LEED might be doing.
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Enrollment is a free, voluntary, one-time process through which LEED APs without specialty* can either test or complete credential maintenance to earn one of the LEED AP with specialty credentials. View the Enrollment Guide
Enrollment window
LEED APs without specialty will be provided with an enrollment window of 2 years between fall 2009 and fall 2011.
Option 1: Test
Become a LEED AP with one of the BD+C, Homes, ID+C, ND, or O+M specialty designations by passing one of the specialty examinations. LEED APs without specialty must register for the exam during their enrollment window. To register, go to My Credentials.
Option 2: Complete prescriptive credential maintenance
Become a LEED AP with one of the BD+C, ID+C, or O+M specialty designations by completing the prescriptive CMP requirements for the initial 2-year reporting period. To enroll, go to My Credentials.
If LEED APs without specialty choose not to enroll, they will continue to be a LEED AP without specialty in the LEED Professional Directory. LEED APs without specialty are not required to do any credential maintenance or pay any fees to remain in the LEED Professional Directory.
*LEED APs without specialty are defined as those credentialed under the LEED AP for New Construction v2.0- v2.2 [NC] between January 2001 and June 30, 2009; the LEED AP for Commercial Interiors v2.0 [CI] between June 2006 and June 30, 2009; or the LEED AP Existing Buildings v2.0 [EB] between June 2006 and December 31, 2008.
I've just caught up with these postings and am very happy to have found this blog. I fall into an in-between category defined by the following: 1) I am legacy LEED AP (2006), 2) I have some experience on the design side (3+ years), but 3) I do not rely on my LEED credential in my career - in fact I am currently a full-time student. It is difficult to gauge how important LEED accreditation will be when I put myself back on the market, as it were, in a year's time. In the mean time, there is no way I can afford to "upgrade" to v3. Instead, I have been able to access the various new v3 reference guides through an internship and prefer to stay up-to-speed by studying these. In my (albeit minimal) professional experience, if you can walk the walk, clients, especially the type I want to work for, don't ask about the details of your LEED credential.
I've always thought you could create artificial celebrity if you take an ordinary person and surround them with a crowd of photographers and people asking for autographs. Then tell anyone that walks up that the subject is some famous but obscure businessman, artist, scientist that not many people would recognize in person. You could create quite a buzz for awhile until folks that know the real celebrity start to show up and expose the illusion.
I fear that the USGBC and GBCI are doing something similar with the LEED AP designation. The tactics to create the buzz around the designation making it seem more special and valuable (now that they seem to feel like there are too many LEED APs) include changing the designations and adding a baby LEED (Green Associate) and a yet undisclosed grand daddy LEED (fellow) as well as several specialties +, then making the website and the credential maintenance program nearly impossible to understand. The icing on the cake (and what makes the designation really special)is if you manage to qualify to sit for an exam, pass the exam, figure out the credential maintenance maze, find classes, spend a lot of money and take the right mix of classes, they will strip you of your title and make you do the whole application and testing all over again all for paying your $50 fee a day late!!!
As a registered professional geologist I had to do a 4 year degree, work in my field for 5 years (if I remember) and pass an 8 hour exam. The board of professional regulation seems to want to keep us licensed (unlike the USGBC). If a geologist manages to pay their license fee late, they don't lose their license (and have to go back to college for 4 years, work 5 years and then retest)...they just pay a late fee!!
I am a LEED AP O&M. I believe that there are fewer of us than other LEED designations. I have never seen data to suggest what percentage there is in any case, but If it is true that there are fewer of us then in might be a goode thing to have a specialty.
Joel, any updates on this? So far I've been like you, going with the idea of keeping my non-specialized v2 LEED AP status, for the same benefits you mentioned... but I recently heard from someone (who may be less in the know than we are though) that he thought I had until the end of the year to pick a specialty or I'd have to retake the test or lose my LEED AP? Misinformation???
Chris, that does sound like bad advice. Your current LEED AP status will remain whether you enroll or not. If you do enroll, then decide later not to keep up with your CMP hours, you'll simply revert back to your non-specialized LEED AP status.
Under current plans, all legacy LEED APs have until Fall 2011 to enroll without testing and without charge (i.e. the first two year $50 maintenance charge will be covered) into the new system.
Official details can be found in the GBCI Enrollment Guide, and I would suggest everyone read that before making any firm decisions.
Has the original author of this article decided to opt-in yet? Is any new information available that would make opting-in more attractive?
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